June 29, 2024

My Final Post

 This will be my final post on my little corner of internet (at least for the foreseeable future). I wanted to thank everyone who took their time to read my posts, and who sent me messages of support over the years. 

April 20, 2024

The Current Housing Crisis: What We Learned From Buying/Selling


(The opinions expressed in this post are based on my knowledge and experience as a frequent home buyer/seller, and are also based on having an MBA with experience in marketing analytics. I am not a real estate professional/broker etc.) 

My husband and I have purchased and sold several homes, during our 15 years together, and ultimately we made some smart choices, and some bad ones. If we had a crystal ball, and knew what the housing market was going to become, we would have purchased the largest home we could have afforded, and stayed put! The housing market pre-Covid (and during), was a very different beast, than the out of control monster it currently has become (and likely will stay). 

December 31, 2023

10 Important Life Lessons I Learned In 2023:

10 Important Life Lessons I Learned In 2023: