July 31, 2019


I love saving money! I hate spending it! I believe in not just living within our means, but actually living below our means. If we can live below our means, it will allow us greater financial security in the future. You never know what is going to happen, and life has a way of throwing curve balls, sometimes one right after another!

One major way we save a ton of money, and get the biggest "bang for our buck", is by shopping thrift stores, like" Goodwill", for example. You can find all kinds of things in thrift stores! I love second hand clothing, especially for the kids, since they outgrow their clothes every season, it only makes sense not to spend a ton of money on new clothes.  Here in Ohio, we have a chain called "Once Upon A Child", who specializes in infant and children's clothing. With 3 growing boys, I save SO much money every year, just by purchasing their clothing second hand. I also purchase second hand clothing and accessories for myself, most of the time. With 3 pregnancies, my clothing sizes have gone up and down, and buying maternity clothing alone, can be costly.

Furniture and home decor are two other areas I love hunting thrift stores for. I love decorating. It's my favorite thing to do, whenever we move into a new home. However, home decor can get real expensive, real fast! I have found some great furniture pieces, for incredibly low prices, and many decor items in my home, are items I purchased second hand.
Wood cabinet: $50! 

Children's Picture:  $5

Welcome sign: $3

Wall decor: Purchased as 3 separate pieces, then I put them together myself. approx. $15

Wooden chair $2, Bless Our Country Home $5 

I love the hunt-for-treasure experience and the satisfaction of finding hidden gems at great prices! Also, in case I didn't mention it, I love saving money! 😊