April 19, 2019


Stay-at-home-moms (SAHM's) versus working moms. A hot topic, that many women feel defensive about, on both sides. I want to be clear that I do not judge any mom for her choice to work or not to work. I know that not every woman wishes to stay at home with her children. In fact, MOST of my friends are working moms, and are happy! But I also have friends who work and are miserable!  Mothers who want to stay home with their children, but feel like it would be impossible to survive on one income.

It's these women my heart breaks for! 💔 It's these women, I am writing this for.

I realize there are situations where it really is not possible to be a SAHM,  but a lot of the time it IS possible!
But you can’t continue to live a two income lifestyle, on one income. It will take sacrifice, lifestyle changes, etc.

When they are babies/toddlers they are just so precious! ❤️And time goes by WAY too fast. My mindset is, a job can replace me, my children cannot.

There are months when we don’t have a lot of extra income, but we always make it, and it is what is right for US and OUR family *for now*.