April 20, 2019

Thoughts On Being a SAHM

Time with my children is EVERYTHING to me. None of my 3 children have ever been in any type of childcare. When I am working, it is part time. While I enjoy having a career, I am also fulfilled being a mother.

Because I have achieved a high level of education, some people have disparaged me for putting motherhood first. I think that’s so wrong!

While I may not always enjoy every second of motherhood, I cherish it. Giving up “things” has been worth gaining “time”. Having said that, there should never be the expectation, by anyone, that a mother should place her children in daycare and work, OR that she should be a FTM. Motherhood is a tough job, whether it be a SAHM or a working mom, and no one should judge a mother for choosing or not choosing to work. Do what is right for you and your family. I applaud you all!