This is a subject near and dear to my heart. My little Noly has not slept more than two to three hours at a time, since the day he was born.
Most nights, he only lets ME sleep, around three hours. Not three consecutive hours mind you, but rather three interrupted.. miserable...hours.
I have never been so tired in my life! You see, my dear little one has "GERD" aka "Acid Reflux", the main cause of colic in babies. He also has a milk protein allergy. He also has moderate eczema, which is itchy and irritating (a whole other monster to tackle). And despite trying different reflux medications and higher dosages, he is still one grumpy baby!
I found that putting him on a strict eat, play, nap schedule, has helped with his grouchy demeanor during daytime hours. Also, he loves going out and about. Being distracted helps a lot! Switching bottles also helped. I originally tried the Dr. Brown's bottles, but I could not get them to stop leaking! The best anti-colic bottles I have found are Philips Avent Anti-colic Baby Bottle with AirFree vent
However, I have yet to find any relief for nighttime hours. I have tried adding rice to his evening feeding, inclining his mattress, music mobiles, noise machines, total silence...he still wakes several times a night.
Imagine dealing with crying all day long, on little to no sleep. Did I mention, he is also teething? Yep. It's rough!
My friends probably wonder why I seemingly fell off the face of the earth. This is why. I am exhausted. Running on fumes.
Yet I persevere, because I have to, and because I love him so dearly. I will keep trying to sooth him, and help him outgrow this miserable stage in his young life.
To all you mamas out there, who have dealt with, or are currently dealing with Colic..hang in there. Stay Strong! You are not alone!