October 31, 2019


This was Noly's first Halloween, and let's just say, he was not a fan. It may have had something to do with the arctic winds and frigid temps! Halloween is never warm here in the Midwest, but this year was extra freezing, due to the gusty winds. Also, Noly refused to take his afternoon nap, so by Trick-or-Treat time, he was in full blown melt down mode!  

Every picture we have of little Noly, he is either crying or looking very unhappy. I had imagined several adorable family pics, with happy, smiling children in it, for the holiday.  That clearly is not what happened! :-) 

Colty was dead set on being Spiderman, and we had the hardest time finding him a costume! I thought there would be tons of such a popular character, but we struck out every place we looked. We finally found ONE at our local Walmart, and it just happened to be in his size! 

Jay decided that now that he is thirteen, he is too old (too cool), to dress up and Trick-or-Treat, so instead he was a good big brother, and walked with Colton from door to door, helping him get the candy in his bag etc. It was so windy and cold, there were actually tiny balls of ice pelting us, so we only stayed out for 45 mintues. It was a long 45 mintues!  Oh well, we made the best of it. There is always next year! Happy Halloween!