November 30, 2019


Today we celebrated our sweet Noly's first full year on this earth!  We sang "Happy Birthday" to him, and let him shove a whole cupcake in his mouth (no worries, it was a tiny one!). 

I wish Nolan's first year had been an easier and happier one, but I have noticed some positive changes, as his first birthday drew close. He is sleeping a lot better through the night (finally), and has several rounds of joy, laughter, and playfulness, throughout the day (especially with Colty). He just loves playing with his big brothers, and they love it too! 

Part of me is sad, that he is entering toddler-hood, and leaving infancy behind. Part of me wishes I could keep him a baby forever, but I am also excited to watch him continue to grow and learn. 

I can't wait to hear him call me "mama", and start jabbering on and on, about anything and everything! He is by far the most entertaining member of our household! Looking forward to his next year, and all the changes he will go through.

Happy Birthday, my sweetheart!