November 29, 2019


We have so much to be thankful for this year! Our cozy home, our adorable boys, and of course, each other! This is also sweet baby Nolan's first Thanksgiving, and on Saturday we will be celebrating his first birthday!   
We spent Thanksgiving at home, which is always our favorite place to celebrate big holidays. Tyler and I have always dreaded when we have had to travel on the holidays. There is nothing better than sitting back and enjoying each other and our home, while eating delicious food!  So relaxing and stress free! 

I think what made this Thanksgiving extra special was just the simplicity of being around my family. Spending the day surrounded by my best friend and my three beautiful babies. Being away from the busy demands of life, and just enjoying each other’s company. Slowing down, laughing together, eating together, being grateful for each other. There is nothing better! 

This weekend, we will be putting up and decorating our Christmas tree, and putting out all our Christmas home decor. I just love this time of year, so cheerful! 

I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with joy and love!