December 27, 2019


This year, we had a nice, quiet Christmas celebration at home. A day to relax, and enjoy being a family. The kids are super excited to be out of school for a couple of weeks!

Colty, Noly, and I were all recovering from the Flu, but we still made the best of the it! This was Nolan's second Christmas, and while he does not understand the holiday, the joy and excitement was contagious. He had so much fun tearing up wrapping paper!
 I love Christmas time, it's my favorite time of the year! What I love most, is all the beautiful lights, it's so much fun to drive around looking at all the different houses and decorations. There is definitely something magical about this time of year! I am always sad when Christmas is over, because it means all we have to look forward to is months of cold weather and gloomy skies. I may just leave our tree and lights up until March!

Hope your Christmas was filled with joy and love!