July 22, 2020

Sending Kids Back To School During Covid-19

As the upcoming school year approaches, instead of feeling joy and excitement, all I feel is dread. This coming school year I will have a second grader and ninth grader.  I have two days to decide if I am going to send my children back to school five days a week, or enroll them in online classes at home. Both options have serious drawbacks.  I feel like all I have to choose from is a bad option or another bad option.  

As I anxiously awaited to hear the re-opening plans for our school district, I scoured every local forum I could, reading several comments and discussions from other parents regarding this issue. I was really hoping our school district would adopt a hybrid option, which would reduce not only the amount of days my children would be in class around other children, but also the class sizes themselves, which would allow for social distancing. With a hybrid model, my children would still get some much needed socialization, as well as in-person instruction, with a mitigated risk to viral exposure. Unfortunately, that was not the option I was presented with.

 I understand that we, as a culture, have moved far away from having a "traditional family", where one parent stays home and cares for the children, and the other works. I understand that there are single parents, and that most families have two working parents who rely on other people to care for their children throughout the day. I understand that there is no single option that would please everyone

However, I do not want my children crammed into a room with 25+ other students all day long, five days a week, not wearing masks, and not social distancing. Parents are supposed to do daily temperature checks and keep their children home if they are sick. But as we all know, many parents will still send their kids to school sick, just to have "childcare" while they work, thereby putting other children at risk.

Well, I am not ok with a "moderate risk" to my children's health (or your children's for that matter!). I also do not want my children home five days a week, doing online schooling, getting no social interaction. Not to mention, the added stress it puts on parents to make sure their children are getting their online assignments completed. So what do I choose? A moderate risk to their education and social development, or a moderate risk to their health ? 

Now, my two school aged children (ages 7 and 14) actually enjoyed the online schooling we did back in the Spring during the school closures. Surprisingly, they both said they preferred it , but I know there are many kids who are anxious to go back and see all their friends. I have gone back and forth so many times, since our district's plans were announced. I have been so torn and stressed about this decision, it has actually driven me to tears! 

I really did not want the burden of having to educate my children from home, but I am lucky to be in a position to do so, since I am currently a SAHM. I also know I would never forgive myself if one of my children got sick because of my selfishness. I also truly believe they need that social interaction with other children, and that in class instruction would be better than online instruction. However, there is just so much conflicting data from the so-called experts, and there are still so many unknowns about this new virus, especially surrounding how it affects children. 

 Since I am in between a rock and a hard place, of course, I am choosing the option that best preserves their physical health. Because without that, none of those other things even matter.  

So I have decided that I will be doing online schooling for at least the first semester, and perhaps the entire school year.