July 5, 2020

The Fourth-2020

This year's holiday was shaped by the current pandemic, AKA Covid-19, and was very different than most Fourth of July's in the past. Social distancing is still needed, and so our city's fireworks were cancelled. My seven year old (Colton), was the most disappointed of all! 
I scoured several stores to get the Smoke Bombs and Pop-Its he wanted. What happened to sparklers? There were none to be found anywhere, but luckily I had a few leftover boxes from the previous year.  

We grilled out some cheeseburgers and hot dogs, and had our own celebration at home. Some folks across the street shot off some fancier fireworks (read illegal) once the sun set, so at least the kids got to see some fireworks! All in all, I think we made the best of it, and had some fun! I know I did! I hope you and your family enjoyed celebrating at home as well!