December 1, 2020

Surrendering Our Dog

Have you ever had to adopt out your family dog? Why? What were circumstances around it? Here is our story... 

We bought a new home, and the only thing missing to complete our family, was a fur-baby. I found a three year old Boxer (named Levi) at the Humane Society, and absolutely fell in love with him. The adoption counselor assured me that he was lovable in every possible way, and would be a great fit for our family. We all met with Levi as a family, and after spending some time with him, decided to adopt him. We got him a bed and all kind of toys. I was overjoyed to have this new family member, and felt he completed our little family. 

 After we brought him home, we soon noticed he was always a little standoffish and downright indifferent to our youngest two children, but was incredibly loving and affectionate towards us adults and my oldest teenage son. It made me sad, that despite the gentle loving way my youngest (7 and 1) interacted with him, he seemed to ignore them, rather then enjoy their affection. But it was by no means a deal-breaker.

Then we noticed how aggressively he would "play" with our seven year old. It wasn't excited jumping up and nipping, it was full charge jumping and scratching, and just a little too violent for our comfort. It was disturbing, but not a reason to consider re-homing. 

The first time our Boxer (Levi) growled at and bit my seven year old, he was trying to stop Levi from stealing my toddler's food, and I felt that since food aggression is so common, I would give him another chance. The second time he bit *both* my sons, I saw what happened, and it wasn’t their fault at all. They were simply in the same room, not even interacting with dog. There was no food or toys involved. The only thing they did wrong, was get into biting distance of him. Levi bit them 3 times in less than 2 hours. For. no. reason. Two of those times was my toddler, as he as walking by.

I finally had to accept, that Levi simply does not like children. 

What was I supposed to do? Lock the dog away forever? Keep my children separated from the dog forever? I obviously couldn’t re-home my human children, but it was devastating to think of our family, without our dog.

The last bite that occurred, my toddler cried. I cried. I knew it was time. It was time to find Levi a new home. I called the Humane Society where we adopted him from, the very next day. They called me back immediately, and after gathering more detail, said I could bring him in that very afternoon. I had my husband take him, because I was already so devastated, I couldn't imagine the unbearable car ride there, with Levi happily at my side. 

It wasn’t about getting rid of the one we loved less; it was about making sure that all my babies, fur or otherwise, were taken care of. If I kept him, I would not only be risking the health of my children, but the life of my Boxer. The Humane Society is a no kill shelter, so I know he will find a new home eventually, one without children and where he is happy. Losing a family member is hard, but it doesn’t have to be the end. Sometimes it’s just the beginning of something new. It is still incredibly heartbreaking and painful. 

As we all know, our pets are an important part of what makes up our family.

UPDATE 12/30/20: Levi got adopted by a new family today! Hooray! Hope he has a wonderful dog life! <3