December 23, 2020


Being a parent is arguably the biggest responsibility one can ever have in life. How we parent our children, determines how they will view themselves, the world, and how they will one day parent their own children. That is why it is so important, not to damage them. It's crucial to provide plenty of encouragement and praise, while still guiding them on the principles of right and wrong.  

When a child is made to feel that they are a disappointment, or are unworthy of love, that becomes that child's inner voice. That inner voice is you, and the one that they will hear, for the rest of their lives.  Withholding of love and praise, while being highly critical of a child, can absolutely damage them. A child who does not feel unconditional love and support from one or both parents, will have a hard time believing anyone will love and support them throughout their life.  It can cause them to withhold love and praise from their own children one day. Hurt is a vicious cycle.  

Ideally, children learn from their parent's mistakes, and work even harder to be amazing, loving, supportive parents to their own children. Because they would never want to inflict the damage or hurt that they endured. While adversity makes people stronger, it is far better for our children to be strengthened by love and encouragement, then by negativity. 

Once our children are grown, we do not stop becoming their inner voice. That inner voice can be shaped by parents, at any stage of a child's life, including adulthood. Parents can absolutely damage their adult children.  Our responsibility to them and their self-esteem, is lifelong.  

It is important to never lose sight of the power we hold over our children, as parents. We must ensure that the voice our children hear is a positive one: "You are loved. You are supported! You matter! You can do anything, and when you fall, I will be there to catch you!".  

Remember, that no one will ever shape your tiny humans, the way you will. We must be their strength and security, in a world that is often cruel and uncaring. We must champion our children, into adulthood and beyond!