March 24, 2021

Our New Home


Anyone following my blog knows we (mostly me), had been plagued by "buyer's remorse" with our last home purchase. At the time, I had wanted to purchase a smaller, less expensive home, and my husband wanted to purchase a larger/more expensive home. I wanted him to be happy, so I went along with it. However, from day one, I just could not shake the "buyer's remorse". Knowing how much money we could be saving every month, especially with the current low mortgage interest rates, just filled my frugal heart with regret. The remorse literally kept me up at night! I just could not enjoy the house when it was causing me so much stress! 

Then, the house we  had wanted to buy initially (which belonged to a wonderful family we have known for many years), was finally about to be put on the market. This house had all the major upgrades already done, so not only would we save hundreds of dollars every month with a lower mortgage, the house would not need any money put into it (anytime soon). All we needed to do was move in and enjoy...and that's exactly what we did! 

We listed our former home, and got a full list price offer in just five hours, thanks to our real estate agent doing a great job with the listing! We are just waiting to close (fingers crossed everything goes smoothly!). I told my husband, we have definitely had our fill with moving, and this will be the very last time! That is, until we are able to finally relocate to Canada (where my large/amazing/wonderful Portuguese family reside). That is my ultimate desire, as far as places to live.

My husband and I consider ourselves  minimalists, and having a smaller home, aligns more with our minimalist values. This house allows us to better save for our children's futures. I have never really cared that much about having "things". I have never cared about driving a new car, or taking expensive vacations, or having a big, fancy house. 

What I care most about in this life, is being there for my adult children, to help them in every way possible.  I love living frugally, and knowing that every budget conscious decision I make, is more money saved for my three boys, once they are grown. I hope someday they have spouses, and their spouse's family to love, support, and help them. But if not, my husband and I will be all they have in this world, as their support system, and I want to be in the best possible position to help them in life. 

 I really love this house. It is a perfect extension of my own personality and style. And every time I think about our low mortgage payment, I smile. 😊