May 11, 2021

Living Small-Series 2-Introduction


We recently decided to downsize, after purchasing a larger, more expensive home, and realizing it just did not align with our minimalist values. We moved from a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft. home, to a 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 1040 sq.ft. home. I must say, I never really felt like myself in our bigger home. It felt cold, and just not very homey. The house payment also made me cringe.  When we purchased our current home, our mortgage payment decreased by $400/month! That is money we are saving for our babies, once they are grown! We are a family of five, and most people wonder how we make it work, and why living small appeals to us so much! So, I decided to do an updated "Living Small" series, showing how easy it is to make a smaller home work, for even a large family like ours. 

A very wise woman (my sweet cousin, Carla) recently said to me "It's not the size of the home that matters. It's the love inside of it". Truer words! What I love most about our new home, is how functional the layout is. It was clearly built, with how a family actually lives and functions, in mind. Every square foot is utilized so thoughtfully! We know we made the right decision, and are much happier in our sweet, cozy little home. I thought I'd start this second "Living Small" series, with some outside pics! 

Here is sweet Colty, waiting for his big brother to get off the school bus! He was also checking on his Earth Day flowers we planted, which are starting to sprout up! 

I have no idea what kind of flowers these are, but we were delighted when they popped up and bloomed! So cute! 
We have a pretty private, fully-fenced backyard, and a covered patio, to enjoy these warm Spring days.  

This farmhouse style shed is my favorite thing about the backyard! It's also so nice to have the storage, since we only have a one car garage. Our previous home did not even have a storage shed. 

The neighborhood is very quiet! This is the most peace and quiet we have ever had, and all of our neighbors are super nice. Next up, the interior of our home!