July 22, 2021

Living Small-The Kid's Rooms

Shared Kids Room

Since we downsized from four bedrooms, to three, my youngest two boys must now share a room. We already had a bunk bed, and essentially used the same furniture layout as Colton's previous bedroom, since it was very similar to this one. Colton had been doing remote learning all year, so having an area designated for schooling was essential! 

That caged creature is actually a Hedgehog! Her name is Miss Prickles, and she is 4 years old. The two little minions represent my little minions! 
Colton loves his X-Box One, but mostly plays Roblox. I am totally ok with my children playing video games, although I know not everyone is. To that I say, "to each their own"!
We keep the boys clothing separated: Colton's things go in the chest of drawers, and Nolan's things go in the dresser. Inside the closet, only Colton's clothing is hung up. There is also a toy bin, nicely tucked away inside the closet.  

We managed to fit everything our boys need, and the space still does not look or feel cluttered. Speaking of "space", Colton loves anything "solar system" related, which is why their duvet covers and wall decor are planetary themed! Truth be told, Nolan does not spend much time in here, since he is pretty much glued to my side all day! 

Jay's Room

Jay has the smaller bedroom, since the younger boys have to share a room, it only seemed fair. However, he has everything he needs, including a nice sized closet! His bed is full size, and his desk is on the larger side, but we made the smaller space work by finding a very small nightstand, and using a tall chest of drawers versus a wide dresser. 

Up next, our bathroom, and how we make a single bathroom work with five people sharing it!