November 28, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021


I love Thanksgiving...mostly because as soon as it's over, it means I get to put up all my Christmas decorations (haha)! It's a day to enjoy yourself, your family, and eat all kinds of delicious foods! And for those of you who don't even wait until Thanksgiving is over...well, I see nothing wrong with eating some turkey, with a beautifully decorated tree in the background! 

We spent the holiday at home, just the five of us, like we do most holidays. All of my extended family that I would love to spend Thanksgiving with, live too far away (in Canada). Fun Fact: Canadians actually celebrate their Thanksgiving Day in October! My toddler was soooo excited when I placed a plate of various in foods in front of him, he even exclaimed, "WOW, so many foods!". I thought that was so delightful (and pretty darn cute!).

I have read so many posts lately, about people who were complaining about how stressful it is having to travel around on holidays, but they do it anyway, because their extended family will be angry with them if they don't. I think that's just terrible! I definitely don't miss the days of having to travel all over, trying to please everyone (at our own expense). Why is it ok for them to make your holiday miserable, just to make theirs happier? It's not!  I will never pressure my children to travel on holidays, just to see/please me, because I know all too well how stressful (and downright miserable) that can be!  Packing up the kiddos and having to drive all over, can ruin what should be a relaxing and enjoyable day. 

Life is short, and it's important to spend these precious moments, building holiday memories,  however YOU want to. If you want to spend a holiday in your own home, with just your spouse and children, then I say "be selfish and do it"! If relatives really want to see you, then they can come to you! If you don't want any extended family around, then that's ok too! I know it's easier said than done, but sometimes you just have to stop trying to please everyone else, and preserve your own peace and sanity! The only people who really matter to me (and who I really matter to), all live under my roof, and they are the only ones I need during the holiday's. 

On another note, we finally got our privacy fence installed, the evening before Thanksgiving, and I am super grateful for it! We have a pretty intrusive rear neighbor, that I will be quite happy not to look at anymore. I also wanted the additional security that a privacy fence adds to our children, home, and dog. Our rear yard is now a private oasis, that I can't wait to enjoy once the warmer weather returns. For now, we will look forward to building snowmen.

In two days, we will be celebrating Nolan's 3rd birthday! Then Christmas, and New Years! This is all-around my favorite time of year! 

I hope that your Thanksgiving was stress free, and filled with laughter and joy!