March 11, 2022


Happy belated New Year! We have been busy, doing a lot of painting, redecorating, and also with  planning for birthdays. Both Colton and Jay had birthdays last month! Our Colty turned 9, and Jay just turned 16! Due to Covid, getting through Driver's Ed has taken several months longer than it normally would have, but Jay is almost done, and then we will try for a license! We just had a small celebration at home for both boys (and lots of cake!). 

We also got a new family member! We adopted our puppy Ozzy, on my birthday, and he was the absolute best gift a gal could ask for! He has settled in well to his new family, and we simply adore him! He has tripled in size in the few months we have had him! Our vet says he is a "Borador", which is a Border Collie/Labrador mix. We don't care what he is, we just know we love him and think he is perfect! 

We are getting ready for the kiddos Spring Break next week, and my husband is taking his vacation next week also, so we are planning on doing lots of fun family stuff! We are planning a trip to COSI, and the Zoo, and will probably hit up some Flea Markets.

Colty will be starting swim lessons next month, and I am super excited. We had him enrolled for March classes, but they were cancelled due to lack of instructor availability. We are keeping our fingers crossed, that they do not get cancelled again! That's pretty much all that's been going on with us lately! 

Looking forward to warmer weather and longer days!