May 29, 2023

First Year of Homeschooling: Our Journey

We have just completed our first full year of homeschooling, and I can hardly believe it! I wanted to share my experience with homeschooling a fourth grader, as well as share our plans for the future.

Colton actually did really well, with only minor complaining and procrastinating (haha)! I did switch up some of the curriculum I was using after a few weeks, which is totally normal! You have to figure out what works for you, your child, and how you want material to be taught. Math was the biggest stress for me, because I wanted to make sure Colton remained strong in math. I ended up going with "The Good and the Beautiful-Math 4", and it was the best decision I could have made! What a fantastic curriculum it is, and makes lessons easy to learn and fun! I have read that their math actually teaches a grade ahead, but Colton had no problems understanding and applying the lesson concepts. Colton loves homeschooling, because he is a quick learner, and quick worker, so he can get his school day over with much faster than he would if he were stuck in a school building all day. This leaves him so much more free time to enjoy being a kid! 

Are we going to continue to homeschool?

Right now, the answer is "yes"! My husband is not totally on board with homeschooling, mostly because he hasn't done the research into it that I have, or participated in the local homeschool groups that I have.  For me, it's not some foreign/strange thing, that no one is doing. Quite of lot families are homeschooling these days, and it's more popular than ever! It is always scary to "go against the norm" and "step outside of the box", but that's no reason not to do something! I have asked Colton what he wants, and his response was "I want to homeschool for as long as you will let me." That helped make up my mind, because I was honestly torn on whether or not to homeschool him one more year. I do want him to grow up the way I did, and enjoy the fun aspects of being in a traditional school setting. However, I also do not want to be riddled with anxiety, sending him to spend seven hours a day, five days a week, in a place that cannot guarantee his safety. Real changes need to occur, regarding school safety, before I will ever feel at ease sending my children away every day. I also cherish having the extra time with my sweet boy, and love the bonding that has occurred between him and Nolan, due to him being home more. It's up to each of us, to listen to our parental instincts, and choose what's best for our children. This is what I am choosing. 

Colton is very easy to teach, and advanced in all subject areas, so homeschooling is a good option for us. I am not sure I would be so quick to continue homeschooling, if I had a "difficult to teach" child (and I very much admire the parents that do!). I plan on letting him resume traditional schooling, starting at Middle School/6th Grade. Then, I will be faced with the daunting decision to homeschool Nolan, who will be of compulsory school age, at that time. I am honestly not looking forward to being faced with that decision at all!

For now, I will spend the summer lesson planning, and selecting our curriculum for next year (Fifth Grade), while my kiddos enjoy being the wonderful, amazing, tiny humans that they are!