August 21, 2023

Back To School-2023

It's that time of year again! Summer break is over, and children and parents are gearing up for another long school year! I am always excited and sad when school starts, because I know they will have fun and make new friends, yet I also worry (way too much) about their safety, happiness, and general well-being!  

All three of my babies will be starting school this year.  Nolan, who is four, is going to be doing a homeschool Preschool curriculum,  with me as his teacher!  We had initially planned on homeschooling Colton (my 5th grader) for another year, but he ultimately decided he wanted to complete his last year of elementary school, in a public school. His reason: "They don't have recess in middle school!". Can't argue with that sound logic (haha)! Another reason, was that we purchased a new home, and Colton would be able to attend the same school he had started at (Kindergarten-2nd Grade), and he really loved that school! 

My oldest son, Jay, is starting his senior year, and I am so looking forward to being done raising one of my kiddos! Next year, he will hopefully be off to college (or trade school), whichever he decides, and starting his life as an adult! It's hard to believe, as I still remember his very first day of school, like it was only a short time ago. They really do grow up fast (and sometimes not fast enough)! 

For Nolan, I am using "The Good and the Beautiful" for his preschool, and kindergarten prep courses, over the next year. I am strongly leaning towards homeschool for his Kindergarten year as well, and then going from there. My reasoning is, I am strongly against all day Kindergarten, which my city adopted district wide, around the time Colton started Kindergarten. 

I know that working parents pushed for that change, because it gives them more freedom (and free childcare), to be able to juggle a job while trying to raise a child/children. However, for many of us who care for our children full time, we don't want our babies gone all day at such a young age! I personally feel, that it's too much of a shock for them, to go from being home all day, to spending 7 hours a day in a school building.  I don't think Nolan will be ready for that, and I know I definitely won't be! I wish I had even one school in our district, that could offer a half day Kindergarten option. If that were the case,  I would probably send Nolan to public school, because he is a social butterfly, and absolutely loves making new friends! It's so hard, knowing what is right and what is best, while trying to listen to and trust your "mama instincts". I am glad I get another whole year, of him being just mine! 

All I wish for my three sons in their school year, is to be happy, safe, and to have an all around great year! I wish your kiddos the same!