Showing posts with label ABOUT ME. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ABOUT ME. Show all posts

July 26, 2019



If I could sum up my beliefs in just a few words, I’d say that I believe most strongly in nurturing our children, living simply, honouring intuition, and having a balanced approach to wellness.


My name is Andi, and I am married to my best friend and soul mate, and am a stay-at-home mama to three little ones (all boys).
I was born in Texas, but spent the majority of my childhood living in Italy. I am not Italian, but I am half Portuguese! I have a large number of wonderful Portuguese family members, whom I adore and miss terribly, because they all live so far away. It's such a unique experience, being exposed to different cultures, and living in different countries!

I began blogging this year, as a form of self-expression, and as a way to keep my family updated, since most of them live so far away. I am still relatively new at this, so the looks of things will probably change on here occasionally, as I "clean house", and organize. Being a mama is something I am passionate about, as well as minimalism, and budgeting

I have an MBA, and have previously worked as a college instructor. While I LOVED teaching, I also love being a SAHM. I was very career oriented, until I had my first child, and then all my priorites changed! The moment I looked into my first child's face, I knew I could never leave my children with anyone else. Being a mama, is just so fulfilling for me!  

I recently made the big decision to homeschool. I did a lot of research and soul searching, and I knew in my heart that it was the right decision for our family. I will be updating on my homeschooling journey, as it goes. Thank you for taking the time to stop by!