Showing posts with label BUDGETING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BUDGETING. Show all posts

April 20, 2024

The Current Housing Crisis: What We Learned From Buying/Selling


(The opinions expressed in this post are based on my knowledge and experience as a frequent home buyer/seller, and are also based on having an MBA with experience in marketing analytics. I am not a real estate professional/broker etc.) 

My husband and I have purchased and sold several homes, during our 15 years together, and ultimately we made some smart choices, and some bad ones. If we had a crystal ball, and knew what the housing market was going to become, we would have purchased the largest home we could have afforded, and stayed put! The housing market pre-Covid (and during), was a very different beast, than the out of control monster it currently has become (and likely will stay). 

December 6, 2023

Thrift Store Haul

I love thrift store shopping! You never know what you will find, and it's such a money saver! One of my favorite thrift stores, is located right behind my neighborhood, and I shop there at least once a week.

January 17, 2022



I have been redecorating our home the past couple of months, because I wanted a fresh, new look, to kick off the new year! I wanted to add some pops of color, because while I love minimalist looks, they can sometimes end up becoming a little too "sterile" looking. I want my home to feel cozy and inviting!

July 15, 2021

Country Chic Home Decor Tour

 As you all know, we purchased a new home back in April, and I decided our new home deserved some new decor! I also am always re-arranging furniture! It is not uncommon for my husband to return home from work, and find everything moved around! 

I have always leaned towards "Country Chic/Farmhouse" as my design style, because it's perfect for any size home, including smaller homes (like ours), and really creates a warm, cozy, homey feel. I also wanted to share this post with those who might want some ideas on home decor, that are also budget friendly. 

December 5, 2019


I'm always interested in knowing what products other women are using, so today I am sharing what's in my makeup bag! I tend to stick to budget friendly drugstore cosmetics. In the cooler months, my skin becomes quite dry, so I like to use products that add back in a healthy looking glow. Actually, I love glowing, fresh looking skin, all year round!

July 31, 2019


I love saving money! I hate spending it! I believe in not just living within our means, but actually living below our means. If we can live below our means, it will allow us greater financial security in the future. You never know what is going to happen, and life has a way of throwing curve balls, sometimes one right after another!