Showing posts with label FAMILY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FAMILY. Show all posts

June 29, 2024

My Final Post

 This will be my final post on my little corner of internet (at least for the foreseeable future). I wanted to thank everyone who took their time to read my posts, and who sent me messages of support over the years. 

April 20, 2024

The Current Housing Crisis: What We Learned From Buying/Selling


(The opinions expressed in this post are based on my knowledge and experience as a frequent home buyer/seller, and are also based on having an MBA with experience in marketing analytics. I am not a real estate professional/broker etc.) 

My husband and I have purchased and sold several homes, during our 15 years together, and ultimately we made some smart choices, and some bad ones. If we had a crystal ball, and knew what the housing market was going to become, we would have purchased the largest home we could have afforded, and stayed put! The housing market pre-Covid (and during), was a very different beast, than the out of control monster it currently has become (and likely will stay). 

December 31, 2023

10 Important Life Lessons I Learned In 2023:

10 Important Life Lessons I Learned In 2023:

December 1, 2023

The Moment I Realized I Didn't Have a Mother

Sometimes a single moment, a single experience in a person's life, can be so defining, and so mind-opening, that it changes everything. 

An epiphany. A realization of one's own reality, that was not there before. That "ah ha" moment. You get the idea....

October 20, 2023

Stop Saying "There Are Two Sides To Every Story"

Contrary to the commonly referenced adage “there are two sides to every story,” I am going to push back on, and challenge this. The idea that there are always two sides, is a carefully cultivated lie. There are two sides to every story, sometimes. 

September 19, 2023

10 Things I Love About My Husband

"Marriage is hard." That is what everyone always seems to say. But what does that really mean? What people mean when they say "marriage is hard", is that living with another person is difficult and stressful. The longer you live with that person, the more difficult and stressful it becomes. All the things you once found cute and endearing, seem to fade into the background, and then everything that person says and does starts to feel, well, really annoying

August 21, 2023

Back To School-2023

It's that time of year again! Summer break is over, and children and parents are gearing up for another long school year! I am always excited and sad when school starts, because I know they will have fun and make new friends, yet I also worry (way too much) about their safety, happiness, and general well-being!  

June 19, 2023

SOBER: Why I Quit Drinking Alcohol

There's no denying it, alcohol is a major part of our society. The term "mom wine" is more rampant than ever, and I definitely was part of that culture. A couple of drinks at the end of the day, can be a great way relieve the many stressors of every day life. There is nothing wrong with drinking in moderation, and I am not judging or shaming anyone who can manage alcohol in a "healthy" way. 

April 13, 2023

Easter 2023


This year we celebrated Easter in our new home! Our back yard is a major work in progress, but was the perfect setting for an Easter egg hunt! I just love putting together baskets full of candies for my boys! 

February 15, 2023


I managed to avoid Covid-19 for years. In fact, I was proud of myself for taking precautionary measures, for getting myself vaccinated, for only going out when I needed to , and always wearing a mask. Not to mention the gallons of hand sanitizer I used whenever I touched basically anything out in public. I got complacent, after staying healthy for so long, and I firmly believed I was one of the lucky ones, who had likely been exposed, but remained asymptomatic. I was wrong! 

January 9, 2023


I need alone time a lot more than my husband does. My husband and I have had this same controversy for our entire 14 years together.  After doing some research (and talking with other couples), it turns out this is a common problem. Everyone needs alone time, but often in a marriage, one person needs more of it than the other.  This can lead to insecurity and resentment, if not communicated well. 

December 26, 2022


I love this time of year, because not only is Christmas my favorite holiday, but also because my youngest son and I both have birthdays, all within a month of Christmas! 

November 27, 2022



Thanksgiving is a day to enjoy yourself, your family, and eat all kinds of delicious foods! And for those of you who don't even wait until Thanksgiving is over...well, I see nothing wrong with eating some turkey, with a beautifully decorated tree in the background! This year, I decided to go ahead and put up my Christmas tree and decor even earlier! I figured, that I have a had a rough year, so it was time for some Christmas cheer! 

November 18, 2022


My estranged mother recently "reached out" to me via Facebook Messenger. I was hopeful, for some signs of remorse, and expressions of "motherly love", so I made the mistake of engaging with her. I should have known better, but I suppose I am eternally optimistic.

September 2, 2022


My father recently passed away, and we had been estranged for most of my adult life, by his choice, much more than mine. I tried many times over his lifetime, to have some kind of relationship, but he didn't desire to have one with me. That broke my heart beyond words. Every child both desires and deserves, the love and approval of their parent.  No child should ever have to beg their parent for a relationship. The last time I had seen or spoken to him, was on Thanksgiving Day, two and half years prior. I am eternally grateful that was my final memory of him, because it was actually a positive one. He was uncharacteristically kind and loving that day. We said goodbye to each other, with a (rarely occurring) embrace, and I suppose that is the closest thing to closure I will ever get. 

May 9, 2022


Being a mother is hard, and we mamas deserve a day that celebrates us, and all the hard work we put into raising our children! Mother's Day is the one day a year, that we get to be selfish, and put ourselves first (for once)! This Mother's Day started off right, with my husband surprising me by making me a big breakfast (I don't usually eat breakfast), and giving me flowers, and a card. 

March 11, 2022


Happy belated New Year! We have been busy, doing a lot of painting, redecorating, and also with  planning for birthdays. Both Colton and Jay had birthdays last month! Our Colty turned 9, and Jay just turned 16! Due to Covid, getting through Driver's Ed has taken several months longer than it normally would have, but Jay is almost done, and then we will try for a license! We just had a small celebration at home for both boys (and lots of cake!). 

November 28, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021


I love Thanksgiving...mostly because as soon as it's over, it means I get to put up all my Christmas decorations (haha)! It's a day to enjoy yourself, your family, and eat all kinds of delicious foods! And for those of you who don't even wait until Thanksgiving is over...well, I see nothing wrong with eating some turkey, with a beautifully decorated tree in the background! 

October 26, 2021

Saying Goodbye


Yesterday was hard. We made the tough decision to have our 5 year old hedgehog, Miss Prickles (aka Hedgie) "put to sleep". She was an anniversary present from my husband (four years prior), and by far the best surprise he has ever given me! She grew to trust me, to recognize the sound of my voice, my scent etc., and I grew to love her more than I ever could have imagined! Hedgehogs are so unique, so quirky, and curious. Not to mention, absolutely adorable! 

September 1, 2021

When You Don't Have "A Village"

They say it takes a village to raise children. This implies that parenting and raising children is a hefty task, that will require a lot of help from extended family, friends, community etc. Most parents that I know, have parents and/or parent-in-laws to help them raise their children. They have them available to watch their children while they work. They get to go on date nights, go to concerts, take vacations...alone if they wish.